Retractable roof cooling houses have proven to be especially beneficial when growing vegetables in desert and tropical climates.
Desert climates
In desert climates, the combination of the lower cost retractable Flat Roof cooling house plus a layer of insect net creates a screened environment where light, temperature and humidity can be regulated using the retractable cooling roof. The addition of a high-pressure fog system will help cool and humidity when hot and dry conditions arrive. This allows for maximum season extension with a rapid response to fast changing weather conditions.
This design is a very sustainable and cost effective solution since it requires only 5-60 kW hours of electricity per hectare per day and reduces electricity and water used for cooling by 95% compared to traditional pan and fan cooled greenhouses.
Tropical climates
Tropical climates represent the most challenging climate to grow in since growers must frequently contend with:
High light levels and temperatures
High humidity
Frequent rains
Strong winds with the potential for hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons
Undependable or expensive electricity
Excessive heat and humidity in conventional greenhouses
Cravo has the perfect solution for this climate using a combination of retractable coverings.
To solve the rain problem, a peaked retractable roof covering close when it is raining to keep the plants dry. When it is not raining, the roof is retracted to increase light levels and prevent a build up of heat and humidity.
To solve the high light, temperatures and humidity problem, a white retractable cooling curtain that has openings for air exchange can close 85%-90% to block sunlight while still allowing ventilation to prevent a build up of heat and humidity.
For additional cooling, the roof and cooling curtain can both close 60%-70% to reduce all incoming light while still allowing for 30%-40% openings for dramatic air exchange.
If crops must absolutely be protected from insects, then a retractable insect net system can be installed below the cooling roof.
And to protect the crops and structure, covering and crops from loss due to high winds:
There are structural designs where the structure can be designed to resist winds anywhere from 110 kph – 230 kph with the roof and wall close. (Cravo houses have been hit by 24 hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons and counting with the loss of a structure.
Retractable roof coverings have frequently been exposed to 140 kph winds without loss of the covering.
If winds are expected to be extreme and damage the covering or structure especially due to flying debris, the roof, walls and interior curtain systems can all be retracted in minutes to help protect them from damage.
Video Resources:
Strategies to Increase Profitability Global Competitiveness Seed Production in India
Webinar: Preventing or reducing disease, insect damage, and fruit problems using retractable roofs